Don’t let fear of the dentist ruin your oral health

Are you nervous about your dental treatment in Mackay? Here at Walkerston Dental in Walkerston, we totally understand that visiting the dentist can be a nerve-racking experience. Around 11% of adults worldwide experience dental phobia, so if you feel this way, you are not alone. And a much greater number experience a reluctance to come in for a check-up and have a tendency to avoid their dental surgery if they can.

Dental Treatment in MackayAnd while this avoidance may not cause any immediate problems, over the course of time, your oral health will suffer. Imagine this scenario: someone has mild dental phobia. Being in the surgery makes them feel uncomfortable, so they tend to avoid it. They brush and floss most days and their teeth seem to be in pretty good health.

However, over the years, plaque and tartar builds up. This is because, no matter how great you are at your home oral hygiene routine, only professional dental equipment can remove this hardened substance.

So, because of this build up, tooth decay sets in. The gum starts to recede around a tooth or two and the patient experiences a dull toothache. They ignore this at first, hoping it will go away. However, one day they wake up in agony and there’s no getting away from the fact that they need dental treatment in Mackay. Only now they are going to have to pay for a more expensive emergency appointment, and get the problem resolved fast.

This situation only increases their anxiety and now they are starting to feel really panicky about sitting in the dentist’s chair. Not only are they worried about this appointment, but they are thinking about the ones that will follow. What if they need an extraction? A crown? Dental implant surgery?

It doesn’t have to be this way. Come in for regular dental treatment in Mackay and this could be avoided with check-ups and hygiene appointments. Our dentists are compassionate and understanding and will go out of their way to make your dental treatment in Mackay as easy on you as possible. Drop into the surgery today and find out what the options are for nervous patients.

TLC for your teeth

Between work, home, friends and family, life can run you ragged. It’s a good idea to find some time to take care of yourself: give your feet and hands some TLC with a mani-pedi or relax your muscles with a full body massage. But what about your teeth? They’re at work 24/7 too and also need some special care. Sure, you brush and floss them twice daily, but every once in a while, they need the kind of TLC that you can only get from the dentist.

Dental Treatment in MackayFind time for dental treatment in Mackay and make sure your teeth get the TLC they need to keep you smiling. At Walkerston Dental in Walkerston, we’ll make sure your teeth and gums stay healthy with preventive dentistry and when dental disease does strike, we’ll get them back on form with effective dental treatment in Mackay.


The best way to maintain a healthy smile is to keep up with regular dental check-ups. Our dentists can spot the first signs of dental disease long before you notice them or feel any pain. That means we can get you the treatment you need before more damage is done. Seeing our hygienist will go a long way to avoiding dental disease in the first place with a good clean, scale and polish to remove plaque and tartar, both of which can lead to gum disease and tooth decay.


When dental disease gets the better of your teeth, all is not lost. We can use fillings and crowns to repair infected or decayed teeth, restoring their function and their appearance.

We will always do our very best to prevent you losing your natural teeth, but if too much damage has already been done, we can safely extract the afflicted teeth and restore them with bridges, dentures or dental implants.

There’s more

When it comes to the ultimate in TLC for your teeth and gums why not try cosmetic dentistry? We can make your teeth look whiter with teeth whitening, straighten them out discreetly with invisible braces and even reshape your gums to get rid of a gummy smile.

To find out more about dental treatment in Mackay get in touch with our friendly, modern practice.

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Preventive dentistry for oral health

None of us like having dental treatment in Mackay, and the best way to avoid this is with preventive dentistry. Here at Walkerston Dental in Walkerston GP SuperClinic, Queensland, we work with you to ensure your teeth stay healthy and strong. There are a number of aspects to preventive dentistry, including diet, oral hygiene and fissure sealants.

Dental Treatment in MackayHow diet can affect your teeth

When you come in for dental treatment in Mackay the dentist may talk to you about your diet. What you eat and drink can affect your teeth, and sugar can be a major cause of tooth decay. You should restrict the amount of sugary foods you eat, such as sweets and cakes. Sometimes you may not realise how much sugar is in something. Fruit juices and smoothies may seem healthy but they are actually very high in sugar. Many breakfast cereals also have a high sugar content, so you should check the nutritional information on the label. Too much sugar can lead to cavities and the need for dental treatment in Mackay.

Alcohol can also have an adverse effect on your teeth, eroding the outer surface and leading to enamel being lost. Heavy drinking can also substantially increase the risk of mouth cancer, especially if you are also a smoker.

Certain foods can also stain your teeth. Wine, tea and coffee are some of the worst things for causing tooth staining.

Smoking and your teeth

We all know that smoking is bad for us, and when you think about it, it is obvious that it will adversely affect the mouth and teeth. Smoking can stain your teeth yellow, and can also increase your risk of gum disease and mouth cancer.

Fissure sealants

One type of preventive dental treatment in Mackay is fissure sealants. The large teeth at the back of your mouth often have deep grooves that are difficult to keep clean, meaning they can be prone to cavities. If the teeth are healthy we can protect them with fissure sealants.

Oral hygiene

When you come for dental treatment in Mackay, the dentist may give you advice on oral hygiene. A good hygiene habit of regular brushing and flossing is important for keeping your teeth healthy.

Looking after your teeth as you get older

As you get older, your teeth and gums age along with you and you will be more likely to need dental treatment in Mackay. At Walkerston Dental in Walkerston GP SuperClinic, Queensland, we offer a wide range of dental treatments to help you fight the signs of ageing.

Dental Treatments in MackayCosmetic dental treatment in Mackay

There are a number of cosmetic dental treatments that can counteract the problems that come with ageing teeth.

Teeth whitening – teeth can become stained and darker in colour with age and other factors including smoking and diet. Having your teeth whitened can brighten up your smile and help you feel younger.

Veneers – teeth can become worn, chipped and discoloured over the years, so fronting them with porcelain veneers can give you a lovely new smile and boost your confidence.

Crowns – sometimes a tooth can become fragile and in need of preservation. A good way to do this is with a crown, also known as a cap.

Replacing lost teeth

Sometimes there is a requirement for more advanced dental treatment in Mackay, particularly if you have lost one, several or even all of your teeth. Dental implants are the best way to preserve your jaw after you have lost a tooth, but there also the options of a bridge or dentures. Poor nutrition can be a problem for the elderly, so it is important to make sure lost teeth or loose-fitting dentures do not lead to a bad diet.

Keeping your gums healthy

It is quite common to experience problems such as gum disease and gum recession as you get older. If you think you have a problem with your gums, come to us for dental treatment in Mackay and the dentist will be able to advise you on what can be done.

Don’t stop smiling

By ensuring you have looked at all the options for dental treatment in Mackay to keep your teeth healthy and looking good, you can keep smiling with confidence and feel happy.

Keep up with regular check-ups

The best thing you can do for your ageing teeth is to make sure you come to us for regular check-ups. Preventing potential problems is the easiest way to keep your teeth heathy.

Don’t put off having dental treatment

Many people think that dentists are only there to cause pain, both in your mouth and your wallet! But the truth is that dental treatment in Mackay is often important not just for the health of your teeth, but also for your state of mind. Being able to smile confidently has a big impact on your self-esteem, and the right dental treatment can give you that confidence.

Dental Treatments in MackayTypes of dental treatment

There are three main reasons for you to come to us for dental treatment in Mackay. The first is preventive treatment. This includes routine check-ups, regular scale and polish treatments, and things you can do yourself, such as keeping a good oral hygiene habit, giving up smoking and looking after your gums.

The second reason you might need dental treatment in Mackay is a range of general treatments. This covers things like filling cavities, root canals and emergency dental care.

The third type of dental treatment in Mackay is cosmetic dentistry. This is where the treatment focusses on the way the teeth look, as well as medical benefits. Cosmetic dentistry includes things like veneers, dental implants, teeth whitening, and braces.

Here at Walkerston Dental in Walkerston GP SuperClinic, Queensland, we cover all types of dental treatments.  Whether you need a simple check-up or you want to improve your smile, you can come to us.

Advances in dental treatment make for a pleasant visit

If you have put off visiting the dentist for a few years, you might be surprised by how welcoming our practice is. Our staff are trained to put you at ease, and make sure you are comfortable, even if you are feeling anxious. There have been many advances in dental technology in recent years, making it much more efficient and gentler. Here at Walkerston Dental we do our best to keep up with the latest technology, ensuring you benefit from the most advanced equipment and techniques. When it comes to safety and cleanliness, you can be assured that we comply with the latest standards.

There is no reason to put off having dental treatment in Mackay. Book an appointment with us now to make sure your teeth are as healthy as can be.

More than just teeth

When you think of dental treatment in Mackay, what comes to mind? Getting your teeth cleaned, getting a filling or maybe getting a tooth extracted. It’s par for the course at almost all dental practices but at Walkerston Dental in Walkerston we go one step further by providing our patients with a range of advanced services.

Let’s take a look at two of these services and how they can help you:

Dental Treatments in MackayGetting a good night’s rest

Sleep apnoea is a condition where you momentarily stop breathing while you sleep and then suddenly gasp for air, which unsurprisingly can wake you up. It can leave you feeling tired, worn out and as a result can even lead to depression and weight gain. It is also associated with increased risks of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. It is caused by your throat muscles relaxing, which causes your airway to collapse in on itself. So how can we help with dental treatment in Mackay?

For mild-to-moderate cases we can provide you with a specially designed dental appliance that you wear at night. It holds the lower jaw slightly forward to help keep your airway open as you sleep.

Getting rid of tongue-tie

Tongue-tie is when the band of tissue that connects your tongue to the base of your mouth is too tight. This can cause difficulties with speech and sometimes even tooth alignment. You may have come across tongue-tie in reference to babies as it can make it difficult for them to feed. If your infant has tongue-tie, there is no need to worry. It is simple enough for us to fix this with a straightforward procedure called a frenectomy, where we will release the band of tissue connecting the tongue to the base of the mouth.

And there is more

We also offer services to treat jaw ache caused by excessive teeth grinding, as well as several options to help nervous patients get through their dental treatment in Mackay, such as general anaesthesia and happy gas.

Find out how we can help you enjoy better oral health by getting in touch today. You may just be surprised by how much we can do for you.

Find what you’re looking for at Walkerston Dental

Have your ever spent ages searching the aisles of the supermarket looking for that one key ingredient, only to finally realise they don’t stock it? Or maybe you’ve trawled through racks and racks of clothes in a store only to find out they don’t stock your size? That’s time spent you’ll never get back. When it comes to your dental health, it sure would help if you could find everything you need at one dental practice. At Walkerston Dental in Walkerston, you can.

Dental treatment in Mackay covers a wide variety of procedures, from cosmetic to restorative and we’re happy to report that our dentist can help you with them all.

Dental Treatments in MackayHave you lost a tooth or teeth?

Replacing those missing teeth is essential to preserving the rest of your teeth, your jawbone and your facial structure. We don’t just provide dentures to fill those gaps, we also give you the option of choosing dental implants. This dental treatment in Mackay is considered the most reliable way to restore missing teeth as it replaces both the crowns and the roots. This means you get superior stability and full oral function.

Are your teeth looking worse for wear?

Sometimes even healthy teeth don’t look so great after years of wear. Stains and discolouration are a particular concern for many patients as it has a significant impact on their smiles. That’s why we offer teeth whitening, which can remove surface stains caused by years of drinking wine, tea and coffee and eating highly pigmented foods.

Are you worried about your oral health?

Perhaps you are experiencing sensitive teeth or sore gums or you’ve noticed the build-up of tartar. Whatever your dental concerns, keeping up with your regular dental check-ups gives us a chance to get to the root of the problem. We can pick up the early signs of dental disease and get you the dental treatment in Mackay that you need as soon as you need it.

What else is on your mind?

Whatever concerns you have about your teeth, gums and oral tissues, don’t keep them to yourself. Pay us a visit, let us know and we’re certain we can help.

Do it for the kids

When it comes to our children, we only want the best for them. The best schools, the best neighbourhood, the best start in life. It’s the same story for their dental health. To protect your child’s oral health, bring them in to see us at Walkerston Dental in Walkerston GP SuperClinic, Queensland. A healthy diet and a good oral hygiene routine at home are a great start for your children’s oral health but they’ll need more than that to keep their teeth, gums and oral tissues in a good state as they grow and develop.

Dental Treatments in MackaySo when it comes to dental treatment in Mackay, what treatments are tailored just for the kids?

Fissure sealants

This dental treatment in Mackay is proven to help prevent tooth decay in children, specifically decay of the back teeth. A thin layer of resin is painted onto the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. This resin seals off the many small fissures, or grooves, which form the chewing surfaces of these teeth. With the back teeth being harder to clean properly, especially for children who haven’t yet mastered their toothbrushing technique, fissure sealants can provide an added level of protection.


Braces are seen as a rite of passage in children and young teenagers. But with early intervention, braces may not be needed for your child. This focuses on addressing the underlying causes of misaligned teeth, which broadly fall into developmental problems or poor oral habits, such as thumb sucking. The Myobrace is designed to help correct poor oral habits and treat jaw development problems. This can help ensure that the teeth come through properly, reducing the need for later treatment with braces.

Our approach with children’s dental treatment in Mackay

Whatever treatment you bring your child in for at our clinic, you can rest assured that we’ll take the time to get to know your child and put them at ease. Our gentle, friendly approach will help ensure your child leaves our dental practice with a smile on their face.

Book your child’s dental appointment today for the best start with their oral health. If their teeth haven’t yet come through, bring them along to your appointment so they can get to know us.

Give your teeth the treatment they deserve

Our mouth does us many favours. Where would we be without our teeth and gums? We wouldn’t be able to eat, drink, taste or digest foods. We wouldn’t even be able to laugh, kiss or speak properly.

Most of us do a pretty good job of looking after our oral health. We know the drill, that is, brush twice daily and floss regularly. Some of you may even scrape your tongue and use mouthwash. But sometimes your teeth and gums require a bit more attention.

Dental Treatment in MackayLike all things in life, the teeth don’t always function at their top capacity. This is when dental treatment in Mackay comes in. If your teeth have got to the point where they require a bit of tender loving care, instead of being angry at the pain or embarrassment they are causing you, come to see us in Walkerston Dental in Walkerston where we can give you the treatment you need.

Where to start?

We offer a wide range of dental treatment in Mackay. The mouth has many functions, and therefore there are many things that can go wrong. Luckily, over time technology has allowed us to find a solution to almost every dental problem. In many cases, there are even multiple treatments available for one problem.

Maintaining hygiene

Your teeth may be in need of treatment if plaque has taken over and led to tooth decay, gum disease or even tooth loss. This may involve going for fillings, crowns or even getting a tooth extracted. While our teeth each serve a specific function, wisdom teeth can be problematic when there is not enough room to accommodate them; this can lead to the need for extraction.

Your teeth may also become misaligned, for a variety of reasons, and you may need to wear braces to nudge them into their correct positions.

More drastic treatments include dental implants which fill the gaps cause by missing teeth, or root canal treatment to treat infected dental tissue.

Cosmetic treatments

Dental treatment in Mackay also includes a range of cosmetic treatments, from teeth whitening to gum reshaping. We are more inclined to look after our teeth well when we are happy with how they look.

Time for dental treatment in Mackay

Sometimes you may be in need of dental treatment without realising it. Not many people spend much time thinking about their teeth and it’s easy to get used to how our teeth feel and function without thinking twice about whether they are working at their best.

Nobody’s teeth are perfect, but sometimes they may need a bit of help to keep the teeth and gums nice and healthy. Here at Walkerston Dental in Walkerston we can assess your mouth during your routine check-up and see if there are any signs that you may need to have dental treatment in Mackay.

Dental Treatment in MackayThis is one of the reasons it is important to not skip your dental check-ups, as we can often spot signs of dental problems early. It’s best to pick them up sooner rather than later so treatment will be less involved.

On the other hand, you may have experienced a recent knock to the teeth, tooth loss, or wisdom teeth pain and know very well that it is time for treatment. In which case, we are here for you. Whatever the circumstances, we at Walkerston Dental are here to find the right dental treatment in Mackay to get your oral health back on track.

All the treatments you need

We offer a range of dental treatments to suit your individual needs, whether that’s a subtle change such as crowns or veneers to restore the teeth, or treatment such as wisdom teeth removal, tooth extractions, dentures, or fillings. You may be advised to have a simple scale and polish to help keep plaque at bay.

That isn’t all when it comes to dental treatment in Mackay. We also offer:

  • dental implants to restore missing teeth, from roots to crown
  • cosmetic dentistry, which includes treatments such as teeth whitening, veneers, crowns and gum reshaping
  • teeth straightening with traditional braces or clear aligners if you feel self-conscious undergoing treatment as an adult
  • root canal treatment to treat infected tissue at the centre of the tooth.

So whatever your dental needs, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our friendly team. We are waiting to help you keep your smile healthy.