Looking for a new dentist in Mackay?

You may think that it’s simple to find a new dentist in Mackay – simply find the one nearest to your home and go to that one, right? However, there’s more to it than this. There are dentists offering different services and benefits and, when you look at the details, a particular dentist in Mackay may meet more of your needs than another. What’s more, you need a dentist that will listen to all of your concerns and offer treatments that work effectively.

Dentist in MackayMore about us

At Walkerston Dental in Walkerston, you can be reassured of finding a qualified and experienced dentist in the heart of Mackay that can answer any of your questions to provide you with effective treatment. Our dental team have a good reputation of providing reliable, long-term healthcare for your teeth and gums and quickly identifying potential problems before they become serious.

General dentistry

Our general dentistry treatments include:

  • regular check-ups that include a detailed assessment
  • scaling and polishing of your teeth, to provide quality cleaning and

great shine

  • when a problem tooth is causing issues, if it’s thought that removal

is the only way, we can arrange for a tooth extraction

  • fillings can be used where there has been a hole in your tooth

caused by decay

  • crowns can be made to fit onto the top part of your tooth, where it

has broken or chipped on the top.


You know you need to brush your teeth in the morning and at night. However, do you know the best way to brush? Many people brush quickly, up and down or forwards and backwards. Dentists say that brushing with a quality toothpaste should be done in circular movements across your teeth to get effective results.

What about gums?

Your gums are just as important when it comes to maintaining your overall dental health. The problem starts when plaque can build up along the gum line and can bring bacteria that can cause infections. Look after your gums with the use of a mouthwash and floss between and around your gums gently backwards and forwards.

For more guidance or advice about taking care of your dental health, you can join us at our dentist in Mackay.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with

one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you .