Looking for a dentist in Walkerston?

Here at Walkerston Dental in Walkerston GP SuperClinic, Queensland, we advise most of our patients to visit us every six months for a check-up examination along with a deep clean scale and polish. Visiting your dentist in Walkerston is a fantastic way for you to maintain good oral health and for us to advise you on any preventive treatments that can help you keep a beautiful smile for as long as possible. We have many treatments available, here are a few:

Dentist WalkerstonDental phobias

If you suffer with a fear of the dentist and your teeth or gums are suffering as a result, please do not hold back on booking an appointment due to embarrassment or shame. Dental phobia is a common problem, and one that we are trained to help you get through. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible if you are having a dental crisis. We are here to help you, don’t hold back.

Natural-looking fillings

Here at our dentist in Walkerston we use the latest composite resins on the market for fillings. This resin is designed to be strong and look natural. We use this composite resin material to fill any holes of a small or medium size, repairing areas of decay that may be causing pain. The beauty of using composite resin for fillings is that we are able to match the colour of the filling to the colour of your tooth, meaning the repair should be almost unidentifiable.

Wisdom teeth and tooth extractions

Appearing in people’s late teens, 20s or 30s, wisdom teeth can cause havoc to what is seemingly a settled set of teeth. Often there is too little room available in people’s mouths to properly accommodate these late arrivals and they need to be extracted. This can be done safely, either by a dentist in Walkerston in our practice with nitrous oxide (happy gas), or for complicated cases, under general anaesthesia at the nearby Mater Hospital.

For all other teeth, we will try to help you preserve your natural teeth in all cases. Tooth extraction is a final resort and can be carried out quickly under local anaesthetic and we can provide various tooth replacement options for you to consider.