Have you broken a tooth? Time to visit your emergency dentist in Walkerston

Aside from looking unsightly, a cracked, chipped or broken tooth can send your tooth nerves into spasm. These problems can occur as a result of accidents during sports, eating, and even when cleaning your teeth. In some cases, what may have started as a small niggling toothache, can develop into severe pain that needs immediate attention. In any of these cases our emergency dentist in Walkerston can help you. If you are suffering from painful toothache, it is best to take action as soon as possible to prevent the situation from getting worse.

Emergency Dentist WalkerstonWhat causes teeth to crack and break?

Most instances of fractured, chipped or broken teeth happen suddenly and accidentally by biting down on something hard, such as an olive, crusty bread, nuts or toffee. They can be broken by an impact to the face or mouth such as by falling or being hit. However, teeth can also break without a clear trigger. Everyday your teeth go through stress. Think about the pressures involved in chewing three meals a day, then there’s the snacks in between. The muscles in your face and jaw are constantly moving, putting different stresses and strains on your teeth all the time, particularly if you tend to clench your jaw during stressful periods. These pressures can cause chips, breaks or cracks to appear. Another cause of breakage can be underlying dental health problems, such as decay. Decay will weaken a tooth, making it prone to break.

How can broken teeth be treated?

The first thing to do if you feel you have a broken or cracked tooth that is causing you pain is to visit your emergency dentist in Walkerston. For small cracks or chips that are not causing you pain, no emergency appointment is needed but you should book an appointment with your dentist to check and fix the problem before it becomes something worse. When cracks or chips are treated early, they can usually be fixed. Sometimes cracks can occur that you don’t notice. This is one reason why your regular check-ups are so important. Spotting problems early could save you complex dental work in the future.