Before you visit the emergency dentist in Walkerston

If you need an emergency dentist in Walkerston, we are here to help. Our support begins when you call, as a member of our friendly team can begin to offer you advice and reassurance straight away.

When you call, ensure you give as many details as possible about your symptoms and anything that led to the dental emergency. Problems can occur due to accident or long-term tooth problems that have suddenly reached a point of acute pain. Our team member will get you an appointment as soon as possible. Our aim is to see everyone on the same day.

Emergency Dentist in WalkerstonWhat to do in the meantime

Everyone’s case is different and so the emergency dentist in Walkerston will give you tailored advice when you call which will assist with your specific circumstances.

However, there are some common issues that occur. If these apply to you, here are some things you can do:


There are few dental emergencies that are not accompanied by pain. Your mouth and teeth are sensitive areas of your body. You have lots of nerves below your teeth. If anything exposes them, the pain can be very strong. If you need to wait for an appointment, we hope it will not be more than a few hours when you call Walkerston Dental. In the meantime, you can take over-the-counter painkillers. Talk to your local chemist about the maximum dosage and strength of painkiller that you can take. Follow their instructions carefully and bring anything you have taken along to your appointment at the emergency dentist in Walkerston.

Tooth loss

If you are in danger of losing a tooth, you should call Walkerston Dental straight away. Whenever possible, keep your tooth in place even if it is very loose. You can use a wad of tissue to help you do this. If, for any reason, you cannot keep the tooth in its socket, keep it in some milk or saliva, if possible. This prevents it from drying out and dying. Never put a tooth in water as this will cause the cells to swell and become irreparably damaged as a result. When you come to Walkerston Dental, we will do everything we can to save your tooth.