Advanced services offered by your local dentist

For many people, the only time we visit a dentist in Mackay is if we have a cavity, or for a yearly check-up. But there are many things a dentist can do that you might not be aware of. At Walkerston Dental in Walkerston we offer a range of advanced services to our patients.

Dentist in MackayHelp with snoring and sleep apnoea

One thing that surprises a lot of people is that a dentist in Mackay can often help with sleeping problems such as snoring and sleep apnoea. Sleep apnoea is a serious condition that affects many people, where the throat muscles relax too much during sleep and obstruct breathing. A dentist can help by fitting you with a special custom-made appliance that holds the lower jaw forward just slightly while you sleep, which can help to keep the airway open.

Jaw pain and teeth grinding

If you are one of the many people who grind your teeth in your sleep, you may not realise the long-term damage it can do to your teeth, gums and jaw joint. The condition of grinding or clenching your teeth, known as bruxism, can lead to temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ, a painful disorder that can cause chronic headaches and neck and shoulder pain. If you wake up with an aching jaw or notice your teeth are becoming worn, sensitive or chipped, come and visit a dentist in Mackay to see if we can help.

Wide range of cosmetic dentistry treatments

Often people are not aware of some of the cosmetic dentistry treatments on offer nowadays. Advances in dental technology mean there are many treatments that have been introduced or made much easier in recent years. Invisible braces and aligners, gum reshaping and teeth whitening are all services you can get at a dentist in Mackay, as well as traditional crowns and veneers.

Advanced technology

Here at Walkerston Dental we do everything we can to make diagnosis and treatment as comfortable, fast and accurate as we can. In order to help with this, we use advanced technology such as intra-oral cameras, digital x-rays, full face x-ray and implant planning software. We want your visit to a dentist in Mackay to go as smoothly as possible.